Today’s planning profession is a complex and evolving discipline that requires innovation built upon a solid foundation. Hawk Valley Associates (HVA) has the knowledge, capacities and enthusiasm to complete a wide variety of planning projects for our existing and prospective clients. Through the adoption of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and other enabling legislation, the planning profession has grown on a local, regional and state-wide level. The plans, codes and land use regulations adopted by our local communities are essential tools for growth management, development and preservation efforts. HVA has the experience, reputation and theoretical capabilities to take a conceptual idea, conduct extensive background research, evaluate all feasible alternatives and recommend a final product that can be functionally utilized by our clients. We strive to devise creative and practical solutions that are uniquely suited for the needs of our clients and the community. HVA is prepared to take on any challenge to make our community a better place to live and work that will be appreciated for generations to come. HVA pledges to plan today for the needs of tomorrow.
About HVA
J. Jerome Skrincosky, AICP, is the president and chief operating officer of this rising company. He has over 30 years of professional planning experience accumulated from working with both the public and private clients. Jerome is a graduate of Bloomsburg University and is recognized as a certified planner by the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners. He attends seminars in order to stay on top of the contemporary theories, laws, and practices of the planning profession. [ read more ]
Recent HVA Projects
Hawk Valley Associates, P.C.
207 Maple Grove Road
Mohnton, PA 19540
Telephone: (610) 775 - 7392
Fax Line: (610) 775 - 7396
Cell Phone: (610) 823 - 2219
Email: Jerome@HawkValley.com
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act 209 capital improvement highway traffic study
Comprehensive Plans
Municipal Comprehensive Plans [caption id="attachment_20" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Municipal Comprehensive Plans"][/caption] Municipal Comprehensive PlansHVA has managed the preparation of 24 municipal comprehensive plans for various municipalities within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Our responsibilities as the project leader and consultant include: writing the text; collecting background information; establishing goals, objectives, and policies regarding land use, growth, and development; preparing a future land use plan, community facility plan, and a transportation plan; establishing a strategic implementation schedule; coordinating the GIS mapping efforts; preparing and submitting grant applications; preparing a capital improvements plan; and coordinating all public meetings and hearings. Regional Comprehensive Plans [caption id="attachment_18" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Regional ...

Act 209 Plans [caption id="attachment_45" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Transportation Planning"][/caption] HVA has managed, coordinated and/or reviewed the development of six (6) Act 209 Studies that have resulted with established Traffic Impact Fee Districts for our municipal clients. Our duties include: emphasis on establishing growth areas; calculating projected land development activity; assessing transportation and infrastructure needs; preparing a capital improvements plan; and establishing a strategic implementation schedule, in accordance with Pennsylvania Municipalities Code and Traffic Impact Fee Law. Capital Improvement Plans HVA has managed and coordinated the review of over 70 Traffic Impact Studies in accordance with subdivision and land development review process established by the ...

Municipal Services
Planning Commission Consultant [caption id="attachment_78" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Municipal Services"][/caption] HVA has served as a municipal planning consultant for numerous municipalities within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Our duties include: interpreting the municipal codes; reviewing subdivision and land development plan applications; reviewing conditional use and zoning variance applications; preparing amendments to municipal codes; performing field inspections to determine compliance with approved plans; assisting with negotiations between adjoining municipalities, municipal authorities, and developers; and attending all public meetings and hearings. Subdivision and Land Development Review HVA has managed and coordinated the review of over 1,200 subdivision and land development plan applications within 25 municipalities in Berks, Bucks, ...

Sewage Facilities Planning [caption id="attachment_33" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Environmental Planning"][/caption] Environmental PlanningHVA has managed the preparation of 17 sewage facilities plans for various municipalities within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Our responsibilities include: writing the text; conducting all background research and studies; providing overall coordination with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection; establishing alternatives for wastewater management; resolving existing and/or potential wastewater treatment needs; applying for all necessary planning grants; evaluating funding alternatives for municipal implementation; and attending all community meetings and public hearings. Environmental Planning and Assessment HVA has the capabilities of coordinating extensive environmental studies between local municipalities and consultants that have the qualifications ...

Park, Recreation and Open Space Plans [caption id="attachment_37" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Park, Recreation and Open Space Plans"][/caption] Park, Recreation and Open Space PlansHVA has managed and coordinated the development of numerous park, recreation and open space plans to accommodate the needs of the community. Our responsibilities include: collecting background documentation; conducting inventory of existing recreation areas and facilities; evaluating existing and future recreation needs; preparing recommendations for short-term and long-term needs; establishing requirements for mandatory land dedication and/or recreation impact fees; preparing implementation schedule; coordinating schedules; reviewing funding alternatives, and attending public meetings. Master Park and Recreation Plans Recreation Impact Assessment and FeesHVA has managed ...

Municipal Ordinances
Zoning Ordinances and Zoning Maps HVA has managed the preparation of 27 comprehensive updates to zoning ordinances and zoning maps for various municipalities within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Our responsibilities as the project leader and consultant include: writing the text; correlating land use plans to municipal zoning districts; preparing innovative development and design alternatives; coordinating efforts with municipal clients and review agencies; managing the progress of the project; and attending community meetings and public hearings. We have also worked with numerous municipalities with a variety of zoning amendments to meet the emerging needs of the community. Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances [caption id="attachment_27" ...